• Lakeside Commons, 990 Hammond Drive, Suite 325, Atlanta, GA 30328
  • Tel: (404) 256-3720

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

An EEG test records the electrical activity of your brain.

An EEG test records the electrical activity of your brain. The test involves pasting small electrodes connected to a computer that records brain activity to your scalp. This noninvasive test is useful for diagnosing seizures and evaluating several other conditions.

How to Prepare for the EEG:
  • Wash hair the night before or the day of the test.
  • Do not use any styling products such as hairspray or oil.
  • Before your test, remove any hair weaves, extensions, braids, or etc.
  • Do not consume caffeine-containing food or beverages (e.g., coffee, tea, colas, chocolate) for at least 6 hours before the scheduled test.
  • If scheduled for a “sleep-deprived EEG, do not sleep more than four hours the night before the test.
  • Take regular medications unless otherwise instructed.