• Lakeside Commons, 990 Hammond Drive, Suite 325, Atlanta, GA 30328
  • Tel: (404) 256-3720

Patient Forms

Patient Tips – Preparing for Appointment

After you have arranged an appointment with Atlanta Neurology, please follow the tips below to make your visit as quick and convenient as possible.

  • For a new patient appointment, plan to arrive at least thirty minutes early to complete the necessary registration and insurance information.
  • Please arrange to have your medical records and any diagnostic images (MRIs, CT scans, x-rays) sent in advance or bring a copy with you. These records may be pertinent to our evaluation of your neurological system.
  • Bring all medications you are taking (or an accurate list) to the appointment. Be sure to include the medication name, prescribed dosage, and how often you take each medication. This includes all prescription and over-the-counter medicines, as well as dietary supplements such as vitamins and herbs.
  • We will also need information about your insurance coverage. If any of this information changes between visits, please let us know so we can update your records.
  • Bring your insurance cards and a photo ID to every appointment.
  • If you need to cancel your appointment, please do so with a 24-hour notice. If this is not done, there is a $100 fee.
  • All fees that are your responsibility are due at the time of appointment. These may include any co-payments, co-insurance, deductible, or any other changes not covered by your insurance provider.
  • If you have tests performed or ordered from our office – and you do not hear from us within seven days, contact the office for the results.

Administrative Forms


New Patient Forms

If you are a new patient, please complete the following forms. Preferably complete these forms prior to your appointment at the clinic and bring them with you. If you are re-establishing neurological care with Atlanta Neurology (meaning you have not been seen within the last three years), complete the new patient forms. If you are a headache patient, see below for additional forms that need to be completed.

New Patient Form/Initial Consultation

New Patient Forms for NEW HEADACHE Patients

If you are a new patient being seen at the clinic for headaches, it is very important that you complete the new patient form AND these supplementary forms specifically related to headaches.

Returning Patient Forms for Follow-up Visits

If you have already been seen at clinic, please complete this returning patient form to update your medical status.

Returning Patient Form

Returning Headache Patient Forms for Follow-up Visits

If you are here for follow-up visit for headache management, you will need to complete the modified MIDAS test at each visit in addition to the returning patient form.