• Lakeside Commons, 990 Hammond Drive, Suite 325, Atlanta, GA 30328
  • Tel: (404) 256-3720

Pay Bill

Acceptable payments are cash, credit card (excluding American Express), and personal check.

You may mail your payment to:
Atlanta Neurology
990 Hammond Drive, Suite 325
Atlanta, GA 30328

You can also call the office and pay your bill over the telephone.

For billing questions, contact Donna Tubbs at 404-256-7747 or e-mail directly at donnatubbs@atlantaneurology.net

As a courtesy to you, Atlanta Neurology will bill your insurance company.

It is your responsibility to ensure Atlanta Neurology receives payment for services rendered based on your contracted benefits with your insurance company.

If payment is not received by your insurance company, you may be liable for any unpaid charges.